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Hey parents of littles;

'Littles' Hour' is a 'mom and me' inspired time for little ones and their favorite adult. You and your child will spend the hour exploring clay; learning to roll balls, coils, and attach pieces together.  Whatever you create, you'll leave with us to fire in our kiln, and  pick it up about a week later.

Cost is $10/person (so, you and your child would be $20). We run this program with a minimum of 8 participants. (Everyone attending is 'participant').  

Get your gang together and email to book. 

Reservations required so we can prepare for you! Just email us to save your spot!

Scroll down for more info! 



After your creation is fired in our kiln to approximately 1915 degrees, it becomes more sturdy; this is called 'bisque fired'.

From here you have three options with your bisque-fired ceramic piece:

  • Do nothing and leave it as is; the best part of Littles' Hour is the process and time spent together.

  • Paint it with acrylics (yours, at home) and display it on a shelf.

  • Or, if you'd like to glaze/paint your piece with our glaze/paint you can come again and glaze for an additional charge of $10/person which covers glaze and additional firing fees. Doing this makes your piece food safe, more durable, and the glazes are shiny and bright. 



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